The Bean Bag – Artist Spotlight

The Legume Data Portal – The Bean Bag – Artists Spotlight Issue 68:  – Marianne Hazlewood I have been featured as the Artist Spotlight in Issue 68 of the Legume Data Portal’s newsletter, with some of my pea illustrations, Lathyrus magellanicus Lam.,...

Spirit of Rory McEwen

Spirit of Rory McEwen I was lucky enough to attend the Spirit of Rory McEwen event at Marchmont House, on the 30th April, an event celebrating Britain’s best contemporary botanical artist, Rory McEwen, who would have been 90 years old this weekend. The event...

Just a card

I’ve joined the @Justacard community who come together to support and provide resources for artists, small business owners and independent sellers. It can be very daunting thinking about marketing yourself and your wares when you work on your own! What should...

Herbology News – The Energy Issue

I am super chuffed to be Artist of the Month in the November edition of Herbology News Herbology News is a new online publication, a free-to-subscribe zine celebrating therapeutic engagement with plants! This edition of the zine is “The Energy Issue”. As...