I had a great second year at the festival, partially because I knew what I was letting myself in for this time, and partially because I made friends last year and I was really pleased to be spending 10 days with my gals and guys (Fergus!) in venue 64! Awesome to be with you all!
I was thrilled to receive a mention in the Scotsman, in an article by Sue Wilson.
“Edinburgh’s Marianne Hazlewood recently won a top Gold award at the RHS Botanical Art and Photography Show, and it’s not hard to see why from her Pittenweem exhibition, centred on her exquisitely rendered pen-and-ink and watercolour studies of Arisaema, the cobra lily, tracing its life-cycle from tuber to seed pod, vividly conjuring its animal/reptilian qualities while attaining uncanny scientific precision. Ferns also feature prominently, from tightly furled shoots to full luxuriant foliage, while other pieces zero in on a single leaf or fruit, all framed by abundant white space, and all redolent of Hazlewood’s intense familiarity with her subject-matter, derived from rearing most of the plants herself.” read more
I want to give my thanks to Mum, Janet & Alex, I couldn’t have done this without your help, and the Stewart family and Claire, Tracy, Dawn and Lindsay with whom I am having a lot of fun!!!

Setting up

Set up

Harris Gin and cheese scones – thanks Mum!

While it rained across the rest of the country we had lovely sunny days…

Canvas bags, new this year (-_-) and my Arisaema griffithii inkshoot piece… love it!