Botanical Images Scotia – 2006 – 2019
Botanical Images Scotia (BISCOT) exhibitions are coming back!
As a prelude to a full resumption of BISCOT exhibitions, a retrospective exhibition will be held in the McHattie Room at Saughton Park in Edinburgh, from 13th – 16th June 2024. BISCOT is combining forces with the Scottish Society of Botanical Artists to bring this exhibition to fruition.
My work was awarded a Gold Medal at BISCOT 2019, I’m delighted to be showing some of it again at the retrospective and am excited to see what other work is being displayed. This is an excellent chance to see Botanical Art in Scotland.
Thur 13 June – 12 – 4.30pm
Frid 14 to Sun 16 June – 10 – 5pm