I got a gold at BISCOT! Congratulations to all the other artists who worked so hard your awards were well deserved, and to the BISCOT committee who created such a beautiful exhibition. There are a few photos at the bottom of the page!
I would like to thank the following people for their support:
Alex Hazlewood (xxx), Donald and Elspeth Third, Arisaema specialists Alan Elliot and Jin Murata for answering my questions, Greg Kenicer & Jacqui Pestel for so much valued support, Jason Russell for helping me with my plant choice. Jacques Armand, RBGE and Pitcairn Alpines for provision of some amazing Arisaema bulbs and specimens and everyone else who ever unwittingly asked about my process or bought a card, print or painting – you are very much appreciated!
I’ve also been working away getting ready for the RHS exhibition – The RHS London Art and Photography Show – amongst new bios, labels etc I have created a new tuber illustration to accompany the information for my new Ariseama griffithii painting, I love pen and ink so it was such a treat during and after the BISCOT show to be getting back to my drawing board! Well and truly addicted to this!

Arisaema griffithi tuber, pen and ink, I use the Copic multi-liners for my pen and ink work – love those pens!
I am also getting things prepared for another show at the Pittenweem Arts Festival, so it’s been all go!

The exhibition moves to the John Hope Gateway and is rehung by the hard working committee!

I’ve been listening to Dreamcatcher by Stephen King, a sci fi invasion novel from the horror master, I wasn’t quite sure of it on my first listen a few years ago, but I am really enjoying it this time! I have also been enjoying a slight breather post painting and we have gotten a new kitten! Fun times!